Greener Pastures New Zealand
Your investor pathway to residency in New Zealand

Gain New Zealand residency with the Active Investor Plus visa
In an ever-changing world, securing your family's future with a 'Plan B' is a wise move. New Zealand, renowned for its safety and stability, offers an ideal haven. Let us help you build a secure future for your family in New Zealand.
Greener Pastures New Zealand offers a comprehensive solution for securing residency through the Active Investor Plus visa. From personalised investment strategies to relocation support and lifestyle planning, our goal is a seamless transition for your family to this remarkable country.
Why New Zealand?
A rare combination of safety, beauty, and opportunity. With its thriving global economy, stable democracy, and breathtaking landscapes, New Zealand stands out as a top destination for those seeking an exceptional lifestyle and a secure future through permanent residency. These strengths are reflected in New Zealand's impressive global rankings for multiple considerations*.

for ease of starting a business
for democracy
for corruption transparency
on the Global Gender Gap index
for business friendliness
Source: NZ Story - nzstory.govt.nz
The Active Investor
Plus visa
Gain New Zealand permanent residency by investing as little as USD2.9 million* for a three-year term. During the investment period your spouse and children can enjoy the same benefits as you.
Essentially, the Active Investor Plus (AIP) visa requires the investor to:
Invest between USD2.9 million* and USD5.8 million* choosing between a range of 'Growth' or 'Balanced' investment options. We’re happy to chat through the specifics with you.
For the Growth investment category, meet a minimum of USD2.9 million* investment, and spend a minimum of 21 days in New Zealand across the three-year conditional visa period.
For the Balanced investment category, meet a minimum of USD5.8 million* investment, and spend a minimum of 105 days in New Zealand, across a five-year conditional visa period.
Be of good health and character.
* The USD investment value is based on the NZD5 million to NZD10 million investment requirement, assuming a conversion rate of USD0.58 to NZD1.0. The total investment required depends on the investment category selected. For the latest and most up-to-date information, please contact a Greener Pastures representative.